Testing Specialisation

Prerequisite: Umuzi’s Full-stack Web Development programme (or similar)
Typical learning time: Full time: 9 - 12 months; Part time: 18 - 24 months

Your learning journey with Umuzi:
Testing Specialisation

Browser automation based tests

Learn browser automation based integration testing

Learn browser automation based integration testing


Testing in CI/CD pipelines

Proactively prevent problematic deployments being pushed into production

Proactively prevent problematic deployments being pushed into production

API testing

Validate Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) testing their functionality, reliability, performance, and security

Validate Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) testing their functionality, reliability, performance, and security



Learn how to run functional and non-functional tests to ensure that previously developed and tested software still performs after a change

Learn how to run functional and non-functional tests to ensure that previously developed and tested software still performs after a change

Saturation testing

Assess a system’s scalability to handle a high volume of traffic

Assess a system’s scalability to handle a high volume of traffic


Unit testing

Learn Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Jasmine, an open-source testing framework for JavaScript

Learn Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Jasmine, an open-source testing framework for JavaScript

Take the first step in your Testing Specialisation career today!